Saturday, January 23, 2010

What do you do, when someone you are extremely 'unfond' of is extremely fond of you?!!

How on earth can someone you dislike so instinctively be so goddamn thick as to not realize it? The whole 'love people despite your themselves' philosophy is so full of bullshit, because honestly I think prejudice makes an awesome benchmark. You are never ever going to know what it is you really want unless you know what it is exactly that you don't want! Know what you don't want and swear by it till the end of the earth, because god forbid should you love everythin else about that person and accept them into your life, however whole heartedly, that one tiny detail will be the only thing that remains after all that love is gone! That one constantly nagging remainder that will annoy the fuck out of you by sayin, 'I told you so!'

I mean am I not validated when I say I hate men who would open a woman's purse or her wardrobe without her permission? I would instinctively and instantly dismass any such man from my good books. I can't tolerate clean shaven chests that give my legs a complex and I can't tolerate men who peep into womens closets! There you go, two so called prejudices that could prove fatal to a companionship that never was. Hallelujah!

It has happened to you, I'm sure. Often one is forced to be nice to someone purely because the same person you don't like has done something really nice for or to you. An obligation(I'd rather a prejudice over an obligation anyday). Similarly when someone you dislike is so fond of you, you have to grin and bear it! It is another matter altogether that the very mannerisms used by the person to show fondness is the very thing I so despise!! Time and distance I await thee arrival! Till then, I rant! =)

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Everybody Is, But Everybody Is Neither I Nor You.

Everyone has a talent, an innate charecteristic, a personal gift. Well, I don't. I have asked myself time and time again, what is that one thing that you can do better than all the things that you do??
And then I get lost in thoughts of all the things I could be amazing at.. 'Could' being the key word, I can't say I am good at anything except going off in tangents! Of all the things I've dipped my beak into, writting is the one thing I feel I'm most connected to.. not because I have written any great truths or that the ink flows rapidly from my mind.. strangely it has more to do with my love to read, but have you ever heard of anyone citing 'reading' as thier talent?? Not likely. So writing it is, that's what I'm meant to do. Read, translate, write! Perfect ain't it? Original thinking is just too cliche.. How original is original anyways? Do you honestly beleive that any of your thoughts are unprecedented? I think.. No, I know for a fact that every single thought that crosses my mind has most definitly crossed your mind or his or hers before, and probably with a more entertaining if not enlightening set of tangents. Therefore in all honesty I can tell you that none of my pennings here will be original, however, the way I see it is unique only to me and the way you perceive it is unique only to you! That being said, I hope the incessant chattering of the monkeys in my mind provoke a little repartee in that wonderful mind of yours. For what are words if just said and not affected, they are but the random musings of an otherwise vacant mind.